You may have heard the saying “It’s not personal, it’s just business”. Based on our experience in the startup and small business world, it’s ALL personal! These ‘people lessons’ have been distilled based on discussions with hundreds of entrepreneurs across a spectrum of industries.
Overconfidence is a killer – regardless of how much research you have done and how many customers you’ve spoken with you don’t know it all. Have an open, learning mindset and collect ideas and suggestions from anyone willing to give them. But wait, you say, I’m the smartest person in the room! If that’s the case, you need to find a new room.
Transparency is key – You need a few key stakeholders that you can be 100% transparent with. Humbly admit what is going well and where you need help. Hiding the highs and lows of entrepreneurship and finances is a heavy load for one person…and that leads us to:
Don’t fail to realize the importance of community – become a part of a local startup ecosystem or mentoring program. Then, don’t expect those contacts to do the hard work for you. Take their advice and do something with it! Like an ancient philosopher said: “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed”
Be prepared for a crazy work schedule – Entrepreneurship isn’t an 8-5 job, it’s a lifestyle so you will be ‘burning the candle at both ends and in the middle’ while you are balancing your full time job, your relationships, and your startup. Welcome to the club of small business!
One relationship or interaction can open up a whole new world for your business so make sure you invest time in people along your entrepreneurial journey!