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Revolutionize Your Leadership Approach with This Unexpected Tool: The Paintbrush

Writer's picture: Kenneth E. FieldsKenneth E. Fields

Think about your business and the tools you have at your disposal: you have processes, applications, software, and decades of experience. Most importantly, you have people. They’re important—and each one comes with a unique perspective, strength, and skillset…much like a painter’s brushes. In fact, the way your people impact your business is so similar to the way a painter’s tools impact his work that we’ve given names to them.

The Roller - aka the Visionary

The painter uses the roller to cover a lot of space in a short period of time. In a matter of seconds, they can cover an entire wall in one color. Just don’t expect the edges to be perfectly done.

You probably have a roller in your business too. But your version looks like someone who can paint a clear picture of where you’re going. Details aren’t their jam, and that’s okay! We call these folks Visionaries.

The Flat Brush - aka the Builder

The painter’s go-to brush—the one that pops into your head when you think of a paintbrush—is extremely reliable. It fills in the gaps left by the roller. You know, those finer details that really need to happen to make the wall feel complete.

The flat brushes in your organization help move your mission forward. They’re taking the visionary’s dream and turning it into an action plan. It’s tangible, easy to digest, and crystal clear for the rest of the team. They thrive in the details. They’re your Builders.

The Foam Brush - aka the Sustainer

The painter who shows up to your house to redo one of your walls probably won’t have one of these in tow, but they’ll recommend you get one to patch up any nicks or scuffs that turn up. Sure, the foam brush didn’t help much when it came to completing the initial project. But, man, are you going to be glad you have one the next time your kid whacks a soccer ball against the wall.


There’s so much that has to happen in your organization over and over (and over and over) in order to keep it moving forward. They’re your Sustainers.

Pretty fascinating, right? And there’s plenty more to learn about how each ‘brush’ lets you shape and scale your organization. 

Find it all in our book Visionaries, Builders, and Sustainers and reach out to us if you want help creating your masterpiece!

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