Have you ever been in one of those meetings that seemed to last forever? You know the ones. You entered with optimism that this would be the meeting where that thorny problem got fixed. However, 30 minutes in, you’re doing e-mail or checking facebook or (gasp!) completing just one more level of Candy Crush.
Sometimes when I’m in meetings like that, I think of the generations before me who have suffered the same way. For example, they had to plan the wonders of the ancient world like the Pyramids. I can see the meeting now…
Project Manager: So, what’s the right percentage of straw to put in these bricks?
Engineer: We commissioned a study that says bricks should be 50% mud and 50% straw.
Finance: You know, the straw market is strong this year. Is there any way we could we use less to save money?
There’s a clear antidote to meetings like this…doing.
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” — Walt Disney
So today, instead of liking your cousin’s re-post of a cat video, find one clear action that you personally can do, volunteer to do it, and report back to the team in the next meeting. You’ll both feel and be more productive. And who knows, you may inspire someone else to begin doing as well!